Best of Spain & Portugal, by Coach

11 Days

Explore the culture, cuisine and history of Spain & Portugal on our 11 Day Coach Tour starting in Madrid.

Madrid, Toledo, Granada, Ronda, Seville, Algarve, Lisbon, Porto Salamanca, Avila

Enquire about this trip

  • Fill in the form below to check the availability and estimated price of this trip.
  • Note: to guarantee availability of this holiday you have to submit a booking instead.

Why should I book instead?

  • Hotels prices and room availability are constantly changing, so when you book a holiday (not just enquire) we can reserve your hotel rooms and transport for you.
  • By booking, your holiday arrangements can be guaranteed.

<strong>Departure Dates:</strong>

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

Best of Spain & Portugal, by Coach
From £ 1,264
/ Adult